It's official I guess. We can all proclaim ourselves "Knights of the Square Brackets" now according to STIC. I don't know whether to be thrilled that I can now self assume the honor, or dissapointed that no one ever fullfilled my secretest Smalltalk dream since Camp Smalltalk 2000, to have the title "Knight of the Square Bracket" bestowed upon me by a fellow Smalltalker and thus take up the noble [ | ] crest.
In seriousness though. I think this is a great idea. I love this mnemonic. I find myself associating with minimalist expressions more and more lately.
My first awareness of the term "Knight of the Square Bracket" was Ward Cunningham's usage of it during the GoF trial at OOPSLA 99. Does anyone know if this is the original statement? Or if it predates that? And if so, where did the phrase originate? We can publish it someday in "The Plaid Book. Fits and Pieces of Smalltalk PostHistory"
Do "Knights of the Square Brackets" gather round the "Object Table"? Badump.