This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Keith Ray.
Original Post: Go For High Benefit
Feed Title: MemoRanda
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Feed Description: Keith Ray's notes to be remembered on agile software development, project management, oo programming, and other topics.
Pete Abilla, blogged about picking high benefit / low effort / "vital few" customer-focused features at Amazon.
He also advises to not get into a feature competition with competitors, since that takes your eyes off the customer and leads your product or service into featuritis. Too bad for users who want a good user-experience instead of featuritis that Microsoft doesn't take that advice.
Last year, Apple's Developer Conference had tongue-in-cheek posters advising Microsoft to "start your copiers". This year's keynote address, showed that in not-yet-released Vista, Microsoft did just that. Check out the keynote video to see side-by-side comparisons of Apple's email UI and Vista's email UI, and Apple's Calendar UI and Vista's Calendar UI and remember that the Apple UI came first.
Of course, Apple has been shipping its email and calander apps for a quite a while now, but Vista is still in beta... so if you want that UI today, you better get a Mac.
This WWDC year's posters refer to Microsoft/Vista as being a "copycat". (FYI: Apple has been using names of big cat species for its OS releases - the previous release was Tiger, the next one will be Leopard.)