Hi Keith,
Your posts around BDD is interesting. I'm in the .NET space and
have followed the BDD movement since Dave Astels talked about BDD
at XP2004 (I think).
I've developed a C# version of a BDD framework called NSpecify and
thought you might find it interesting.
Here is a quick code example:
using System;
using NSpecify.Framework;
namespace SampleBehaviour
[ Functionality() ]
public class Calculation
int one = 1;
int two = 2;
[ Specification() ]
public void OnePlusOneMustEqualTwo()
Specify.That( one + one ).Must.Equal( two );
Specify.That( two ).Must.Be.GreaterThan( one );
Specify.That( two ).Must.Not.Equal( one );
[ Specification(),
ExpectedException(typeof(DivideByZeroException) ) ]
public void OneDevidedByZeroMustThrowException()
int zero = 0;
Specify.That( one / zero ).Must.Equal( one );
Specify.Failure( "The expected exception was not
thrown" );
I have a NUnit integration working and at the moment I'm working on
creating a VS2005 test tip to integrate NSpecify into VSTS Testing