Our partner Georg Heeg has put together an interesting little package in the public store repository - you can show existing smalltalk code in a pseudo-C syntax. It's read-only (i.e., you can't write code in it) - but possibly interesting for newbies. Load it in, and have a look at the new tab that appears in the browser when you select a method. Here's an example - first, Smalltalk code:
"delete Item on server"
| destination |
destination := self getDeleteURL.
self validatePost
ifFalse: [^self message: (UserMessage defaultString: 'You did not enter a username and/or password' key: #postingToolUserValidationMessage2) asString].
^self postDeleteTo: destination
And the matching C-like stuff:
ANY cstDelete (void)
/*delete Item on server*/
ANY destination;
destination = self -> getDeleteURL();
self -> validatePost() -> ifFalse:(((void) {
return self -> message:(UserMessage -> defaultString:key:("You did not enter a username and/or password", S"postingToolUserValidationMessage2") -> asString())});
return self -> postDeleteTo:(destination)}