It's time for my weekly look at the logs - first up, BottomFeeder downloads, which ran at a rate of 161 per day last week:
Platform | BottomFeeder Downloads |
Windows | 409 |
Update | 201 |
Mac X | 117 |
Linux x86 | 112 |
CE ARM | 94 |
Mac 8/9 | 54 |
Solaris | 34 |
AIX | 29 |
HPUX | 28 |
Windows98/ME | 23 |
Sources | 14 |
Linux Sparc | 9 |
SGI | 3 |
Linux PPC | 3 |
CE x86 | 2 |
ADUX | 1 |
Those look about the same as always. Next, the HTML page accesses:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
Mozilla | 64.1% |
Internet Explorer | 25.1% |
MSN Bot | 3.2% |
Other | 3.8% |
Opera | 2.8% |
Megite | 1% |
That looks like the normal distribution for the site. Interestingly, the absolute number of pageviews doesn't seem to be rising much, while the number of unique IP addresses in that mix is rising. Good trend, I'd say. Finally, the RSS accesses:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
BottomFeeder | 21.1% |
Mozilla | 20.2% |
Other | 13.8% |
BlogLines | 10% |
Net News Wire | 8% |
Safari RSS | 4.4% |
Google Feed Fetcher | 3.6% |
NewsGator | 3.2% |
Internet Explorer | 2.4% |
Planet Smalltalk | 1.7% |
BlogSearch | 1.7% |
RSS Bandit | 1.5% |
RSS 2 Email | 1.3% |
Opera | 1.3% |
SharpReader | 1.1% |
JetBrains | 1% |
Feed Reader | 1% |
Java | 1% |
MSN Bot | 1% |
Liferea | 1% |
Lilina | 1% |
Slight increase in share for Bf this week, but about normal otherwise.