Scoble spotted this story about Boeing and Connexion:
Looks like Boeing is giving up on Wifi in planes because they've lost a billion and don't see that their investment will come back. Funny, didn't JetBlue just pay big dollars to add that to all their planes?
I used the Boeing service on an SAS flight to Copenhagen and loved it. The problem wasn't with the Wifi. But there was a major problem elsewhere that'll keep people from using it: power.
My batteries in my laptop (and in most laptops I see on planes) last about two hours. Yeah, some models last four to eight, if you have additional "big" batteries. But most last about two hours the way you buy them out of the store.
Hmm. Most American Airlines flights I've taken over the last few years - both domestic and international - have had power at the seats. That hasn't been true for any other carrier I fly, and it's impacted my plans for long flights quite a bit. Any carrier that adds WiFi but doesn't add seatback power is just stupid - the phrase "lost investment" comes to mind. Scoble's right - why should I buy a network connection for an 8 hour flight if I only have 2-3 hours of battery time?