Wow. The last time I examined my subscription list to look at how many feeds had enclosures, and how many items with enclosures there were, it was a pretty small number - 3 or 4 feeds, iirc, and less than 20 enclosures. Well. Seeing as how I'm sitting on a plane with nothing else to do, I figured I'd have a look. So I opened up a workspace in BottomFeeder, and then ran this code:
dict := Dictionary new.
RSSFeedManager default getAllMyFeeds do: [:each | | items |
items := each allItems.
withEncs := items select: [:each1 | each1 enclosure notNil].
withEncs := withEncs select: [:eachItem | eachItem enclosure notEmpty].
withEncs notEmpty
ifTrue: [dict at: each put: withEncs size]].
That gave me a dictionary with 26 feeds as keys - a fairly decent size increase (my subscription list is about the same size - 317 then, 320 now). The number of items with enclosures has exploded: 547. That's a big, big difference from just a few months ago. Simply amazing.
I've considered the idea of podcasting myself, but I'm not sure what I could do that would be compelling - I work in Columbia, Maryland, and all my co-workers (and customers, for the most part) are remote from me. If anyone has ideas, I'd be open to them.