I was flipping channels this evening, and ran across the Yankees/Tigers game in the 7th - Yanks up 6-5. I watch Proctor on (in relief) setting the Tigers down without difficulty. On to the ninth inning - Rivera is unavailable this series, but by gosh, it's the ninth inning - we just have to take the effective pitcher out and slap in a closer. It's Farnsworth, he of the erratic control and high ERA.
Sure enough, he gives up a walk and three hits, losing the game. The question I have is, why the heck was he in there? Proctor was pitching well, and it didn't look to me like the Tigers were able to hit him. Torre just followed the baseball bible: "Ninth inning, must bring in new pitcher in a one run game".
Bah. Farnsworth lost the game, but Torre's following of orthodoxy was the root cause.