This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Queries on comp.lang.smalltalk from M. Roberts
Feed Title: Michael Lucas-Smith
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Smalltalk and my misinterpretations of life
> There are a few things required, such as numbered lists, and we need to
> resolve the question of how hyperlinks would be used to execute Smalltalk
> code, whether WithStyle would be used to author the XML content, etc.
This is ahead of its time, but I thought people might be interested in it any way.
We are in the development stages of making with:Style a WYSIWYG css styled XML editor.
Numbered lists work in our development version
Hyperlinks are a great way to run code. There are several ways to do this. You can take the HTML approach and use <script language="Smalltalk">, or you can use the more modern XML-Events approach and use xe:event="click", etc.. (more on that one later, you can go look at the spec now if you want) or you can use the with:Style syntax and put it straight in ws:onClick="Transcript cr; show: 'hi'" - this is similar to the javascript approach for HTML, where you can specify onClick's.
So! there are many ways to achieve this. Some of the above described work right now in our development version. All will work by the time we are ready to release.
There is one other way to do it which I thought you might find interesting. You can map an XML element to a class, such as <MyElement> and that will go to class MyNamespace.MyElement - and on that you can implement #activateOn: to do what you want when a click is hit. So! Many ways to skin the hyperlink cat.