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The Future Of Me

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James Robertson

Posts: 29924
Nickname: jarober61
Registered: Jun, 2003

David Buck, Smalltalker at large
The Future Of Me Posted: Oct 2, 2003 9:08 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz by James Robertson.
Original Post: The Future Of Me
Feed Title: Pollock
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Feed Description: Pollock - the next VW GUI
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Latest Agile Buzz Posts by James Robertson
Latest Posts From Pollock

I guess all of that yesterday about feeling out and alone as a GUI framework developer isn't really the point.

Way back when I started programming in 1979 with my trusty Apple ][+, it seemed pretty easy to keep up with new developments in huge areas of the software world. I remember reading Doctor Dobbs and Byte with articles about a wide range of topics, from compression, databases, communications and encryption to ray tracing, networking, processors and computing theory. It seemed back then it was easy to follow along, even if I didn't fully get all the deep details.

Somewhere along the line, all of these technologies grew faster than I could keep up. I wasn't really upset with that. I figured that those areas I wasn't able to keep up with were just those which I wasn't going to pursue. As my career moved along, I kept up with whatever I thought would help my career, and keep an eye on as much as everything else I could, "Just In Case."

Along the way I picked up great experience and deeper knowledge of many areas that apply to all kinds of areas of application development, including software development processes. I never stop learning.

But, over the last few years, I've been deep in a very small area. So, sometimes, I worry about the future.. See, I'm a hardened pessimist who only expects the worst and am thus never disappointed. Anyway, in those times, I totally wonder what all I've learned and experienced creating Pollock can do for me if I suddenly get fired (remember, pessimist talking).

Sure, I can probably do a year or so consulting on moving companies from Wrapper to Pollock. But after that... well, lets just say that you don't find listings for GUI Framework developers on
And So It Goes

Read: The Future Of Me

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