This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: The Future Of Me
Feed Title: Pollock
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Pollock - the next VW GUI
I guess all of that yesterday about feeling out and alone as a GUI framework developer isn't really the point.
Way back when I started programming in 1979 with my trusty Apple ][+, it seemed pretty easy to keep up with new developments in huge areas of the software world. I remember reading Doctor Dobbs and Byte with articles about a wide range of topics, from compression, databases, communications and encryption to ray tracing, networking, processors and computing theory. It seemed back then it was easy to follow along, even if I didn't fully get all the deep details.
Somewhere along the line, all of these technologies grew faster than I could keep up. I wasn't really upset with that. I figured that those areas I wasn't able to keep up with were just those which I wasn't going to pursue. As my career moved along, I kept up with whatever I thought would help my career, and keep an eye on as much as everything else I could, "Just In Case."
Along the way I picked up great experience and deeper knowledge of many areas that apply to all kinds of areas of application development, including software development processes. I never stop learning.
But, over the last few years, I've been deep in a very small area. So, sometimes, I worry about the future.. See, I'm a hardened pessimist who only expects the worst and am thus never disappointed. Anyway, in those times, I totally wonder what all I've learned and experienced creating Pollock can do for me if I suddenly get fired (remember, pessimist talking).
Sure, I can probably do a year or so consulting on moving companies from Wrapper to Pollock. But after that... well, lets just say that you don't find listings for GUI Framework developers on