This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Smalltalk Solutions 2006: Update
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
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Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
Time to register for Smalltalk Solutions 2006 - this year it's being held in conjunction with LinuxWorld/NetworkWorld, so that we can spread our Smalltalk across a wider audience. You can see a list of the sessions here.Here's an example of the kind of content you can expect - Using GLORP (Monday April 24, 9- 12 (Tutorial)
GLORP is an open-source library for object-relational persistence. It includes some very sophisticated mapping and performance features, and current plans are for it to be incorporated as the core mapping layer in a future revision of Cincom's database toolset. This tutorial is designed to give an introduction to the concepts, capabilities, and best practices using GLORP. Alan Knight is the lead on the GLORP project, at Cincom Systems Inc., and has worked in relational persistence for many years. Previously, he was chief architect for the TOPLink family of products, and a member of the Sun expert groups on EJB 2.0 and JDO. He is co- author of Mastering ENVY/Developer (Cambridge, 2001) and has written and spoken extensively on a variety of topics. He is program chair of Smalltalk Solutions 2006.
Bear in mind that unlike past years, paying for the full conference covers an unlimited number of tutorials! Also, for my non-Canadian readers: the costs quoted on the registration page are in CDN, not USD.