Duncan at the Blog Herald needs to read the title of this post. In a response to Steve Rubel, he wrote:
On another note Steve, I’m starting to worry about you, you are starting to sound more like Scoble every day…please don’t join the everything for free and damn the money crowd… some of us are trying to blog for a living.
He should also read Scoble's long post on this - it makes a lot of sense. I haven't unsubscribed to all the partial feeds yet, but I should - I tend to blip right over them. Why? Because I read most of my content in my aggregator, and I don't tend to bother with summaries (which don't tend to be teaser summaries anyway). I provide full content here (then again, I'm not trying to (directly) make money, either. However, it's instructive that I get more than 4x as many HTML readers on a weekly basis than I do RSS readers.