This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Dave Churchville.
Original Post: Web-based Acceptance Testing Done Right
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The Selenium project (sponsored by ThoughtWorks) has been quietly making an in-browser automated testing facility. It just went from interesting to compelling with the introduction of Selenium IDE, a free Firefox extension that lets you record, script, save and execute in-browser acceptance tests.
Now, I've always been skeptical of record and playback testing tools, since they usually require an obscure syntax, or are difficult to maintain. Not so with Selenium, which can use either an HTML table style syntax, or Ruby syntax (simple command-argument combinations).
The IDE makes creating scripts manually a breeze, and when combined with the record function, it's almost effortless. The only downside is that now there's no excuse for anyone creating a web-based application to avoid automated testing.
I haven't been this excited about a testing tool since, well, ever. Congratulations to the Selenium IDE team for a job very well done.