This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Wilkes Joiner.
Original Post: FeedBurner set up
Feed Title: Fuming Incense Stencher
Feed URL:
Feed Description: a geek prattling on
I've created an account through FeedBurner. I use the free version of Blogger. It only supports atom feeds. Fine, no big deal. That feed is still there, but if you use this feed, then you will get an RSS 2.0 feed with enclosure support. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. As a bonus, if I move my site, which has been tempting lately, you won't have to update your link to my feed.
This also allows me to be published through Artima. Most of my post this past year have been on Smalltalk, but there are post on Ruby, Java, and other more general stuff that I've blogged about. So if you are reading this via Artima and you haven't been here before, browse around and give me some feedback.