A question came up in the comments here, and it looks like we need to update our website to be less confusing. The question? Based on the options listed here, what do you download? Well, I can explain the options here, and get a request in to update that page.
- Download the ISO Image - this will grab the entire CD, and let you either mount that (depending on your OS/available tools) or burn a CD. You can then install from that
- Download components - grab only the pieces you want. This is useful only if you already know how CST works, and know what to get
- ObjectStudio - just grab ObjectStudio, which is Windows specific
Regardless if which one you select, you'll get taken (ultimately) to a login/registration page. Once you go through the process, you'll get the three options above, plus a new fourth: grab a network based installer which will download a 5MB executable (pick your platform) and then do the install via the network.
Yes, the page that the commenter mentioned is too confusing - I'll have it fixed.