Troy posted a comparison of some C# logging code and a simple
translation to Smalltalk - and then noticed that the Smalltalk code
was a lot slower (nearly 5x). Well, this calls for the profiler. I
got the same results for all three of his scenarios in Smalltalk,
so I'll compare the code for the class test and for the instance
test. First, I loaded Troy's code. Second, I went to the Parcel
Manager and loaded the Advanced Tools (there's a legacy name for
you) - which brings in the profiler. Profiling the code:
TimeProfiler profile: [TimeLoggers timeClassLogger: 200000].
Leads to this result:
You can click through to see the larger view. The upshot is, the
original logging code sends #today to class Date multiple times
within the logging code (instead of once). Additionally, it turns
out that #expandMacrosWith: - while convenient - is fairly
expensive. You can see all that in the expanded view. In any case,
here's the original code:
writeToLog: aString
(self fileStream)
nextPutAll: ('%<!--
expandMacrosWith: Date today
with: Date today monthIndex
with: Date today year)
To change the performance, I did two things. First, I changed
the code above to just print the string that was sent in, and then
I changed the calling code to send in the string with the Date
formatted. I could have encapsulated that in the new code for the
above, but in any case, here's the new caller:
1 to: iterations
[:i |
writeToLog: ('Testing write to log via
basic logger - line number ', i printString,
' ', todayString)].
A better variation would have the todayString done in the logger - it doesn't force work on the user of the code. In any case, this variation yields logging code that is still slower than the C# code, but not absurdly so. I also posted that - 1.1 is the faster (but less well coded) version, with 1.2 being the better way. That code has the caller simply send in a string, to which the date will be appended, as follows:
| todayString |
todayString := Date today printFormat: #(2 1 3 $/ 1 1 ).
(self fileStream)
nextPutAll: '<-- ';
nextPutAll: aString, ' ';
nextPutAll: todayString;
nextPutAll: '-->';
On my system, that runs a a bit faster than the better encapsulated version, but not much.
The upshot of all this? Two things:
- Direct translations of code rarely lead to good results. Each language system has strengths and weaknesses, and direct translations don't hit the strengths
- Never make guesses about performance - run the profiler.
Again, all the code for this is in the public Store.