End of the week, and time to have a look at the logs again - BottomFeeder downloads are back up - looks like last week was the blip. This week: 813 per day:
Platform | BottomFeeder Downloads |
Mac 8/9 | 1567 |
Mac X | 1359 |
Windows | 799 |
HPUX | 777 |
Update | 430 |
Sources | 339 |
Linux x86 | 190 |
CE ARM | 109 |
Solaris | 28 |
Windows98/ME | 26 |
Linux Sparc | 25 |
AIX | 23 |
Linux PPC | 8 |
SGI | 7 |
ADUX | 4 |
CE x86 | 3 |
Source Script | 3 |
Wow, the Mac numbers went way up - I wonder what that's about? Interesting, and the word I hear about the VW VM getting better on the Mac in 7.4 (December of this year) is welcome news, given those numbers. Next, a look at the HTML page accesses:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
Internet Explorer | 52.5% |
Mozilla | 40% |
Other | 3.4% |
MSN Bot | 2.3% |
Google Bot | 1.8% |
That's a fascinating jump up in IE hits - traffic has been up, and there was a huge spam wave last week - and most of the spam reports itself as IE. So, I don't think I can read anything into those numbers. Let's have a look at the RSS access:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
Mozilla | 23.1% |
BottomFeeder | 15.4% |
Net News Wire | 11% |
Other | 8.9% |
Feed Demon | 4.4% |
Internet Explorer | 4.3% |
Safari RSS | 4.3% |
Planet Smalltalk | 3.7% |
NewsGator | 3% |
Magpie | 2.9% |
RSSReader | 2.6% |
SharpReader | 2.5% |
BlogLines | 2.1% |
Feed Reader | 1.6% |
BlogSearch | 1.5% |
Liferea | 1.4% |
RSS Bandit | 1.2% |
Jakarta | 1.1% |
Google Bot | 1% |
JetBrains | 1% |
Feed Tagger | 1% |
RSS 2 Email | 1% |
News Fire | 1% |
The RSS feed accesses don't show the same IE spike, which tells me that it's almost certainly the spam surge. The variety of tools being used in this space is still huge though - the consolidation that started has not run its course yet.