This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Types, Refactoring, and Metadata
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
Those that think that types are not used in Smalltalk are not entirely correct, "types" are used, or more correctly the objects class meta information is available for use at runtime to perform any necessary and all possible 'type' operations at run-time (which includes almost all the compile time "type" possibilities). The object meta data available through the base Smalltalk language while the program is running is a much more powerful facility and provides capabilities not possible in staticly compiled typed systems such as C, Java, C++, C#, ... . These and other statically compiled typed language and systems strip away most if not all of the "type meta data" so that your program is a barren husk devoid of the richness that runtime meta data provides.