There's a nice refactoring in the Refactoring Browser which a lot of people don't know about. Extract to component is similar to extract method but instead of moving the code to a new method in the same class, it moves it to a new method in another class.
For example, here's a snippet of code from a puzzle-solving program I wrote:
matchesToRight: aPiece
| leftPicture rightPicture |
rightPicture := self right.
leftPicture := aPiece left.
^rightPicture color = leftPicture color and: [rightPicture part ~= leftPicture part]
Select the last line and choose "Extract Method to Component". It asks for the variable to delegate to. Choose "rightPicture". It then asks what class the method should be moved to. Select Picture. Finally, it asks for a method name. Choose "belongsNextTo:". Here's the result:
matchesToRight: aPiece
| leftPicture rightPicture |
rightPicture := self right.
leftPicture := aPiece left.
^rightPicture belongsNextTo: leftPicture
belongsNextTo: leftPicture
^self color = leftPicture color and: [self part ~= leftPicture part]
The refactoring extracts the code and moves it into another class. This is useful if the wrong class is doing the work. You can easily move the operation to the proper class.