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by Jared Richardson.
Original Post: You are responsible for you
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The web site was created after the launch of the book "Ship It!" and discusses issues from Continuous Integration to web hosting providers.
I read a great entry today on Steve Freeman's blog titled
Steve was quoting Kent Beck, apparently from XP2005
As Kent likes to point out these days, the only thing you can really change is yourself, so doing the best job you can is the only available response; the rest is out of scope.
There's a lot of wisdom in those words. You are responsible for what you do and who you are. If you're not happy with you level of expertise in a given area, don't wait for your tech lead or company to conveniently drop the training in your lap. Buy a book. Peruse via Google. Find the information yourself to improve yourself.
Find habits that you can practice with or without the rest of your team. Improve yourself. Don't stress over the rest. Do the best job you can and sleep soundly when you go home at night.
You can't control the customer, your management or any one of a thousand other potential issues related to your project. But you can control yourself instead of letting the project control you.
Also, Steve talks about a panel he sat on at XP2005 that's a great read. Check it out if you have the time.