This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Jared Richardson.
Original Post: Cancer Triathlon
Feed Title: Jared's Weblog
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Feed Description: Jared's weblog.
The web site was created after the launch of the book "Ship It!" and discusses issues from Continuous Integration to web hosting providers.
Hi all. A co-worker of mine at SAS is participating in a triathlon to raise money for cancer research. Please visit the web site and if you choose not to support Laura, support your local chapter.
Scott Greene, my husband Tim's business partner and dear friend, is fighting non-hodkins lymphoma. Tim shaved his head.... which I won't do, but I am training for a triathlon to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a participant in their Team In Training. Please help by making a contribution. Each donation helps accelerate cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma and brings hope to the patients and families who are on the front lines of the battle against these diseases.