Smalltalk Solutions is over for the year, but there's still more - Suzanne Fortman sent me some pics she took (these are mostly from day one). I'm sure that I'll receive a (large) report from Niall Ross soon, and I'll post that for download. We'll also have details on StS 2006 to post at some point - we selected Montreal as the site, but we have details (timing, hotel) to come. Anyway - here are some pictures - here's Suzanne and Giorgio Ferraris:
Next, here's a shot of Eric Evans during his keynote:
Here's a shot of one of the talks on day one. I'm half cut off all the way to the right:
Finally, here's a shot of part of the vendor area, where we also had meals served:
These are higher quality than the ones I took, because Suzanne has a real digital camera :)