Well, I'm on my way back from Smalltalk Solutions. The flight from Orlando left without a hitch - met my parents, got my daughter, had a pleasant flight up next to a lady who works in the pharmaceutical industry. Interesting niche, actually - her company manufactures drugs for some of the big vendors. Sounds like the way it works is that the big guys do the R&D, and then push the actual manufacturing out to firms like hers. Sounds reasonable, I just didn't know that.
Anyway - I now get to spend some quality time in the Charlotte (NC) airport, waiting for my next flight - which is 40 minutes late, pushing the departure time closer to prime T-storm time. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, no Wifi - there's a weak secured signal, and then the normal number of open computers hanging around - no public system. Sigh.
So it's hurry up and wait - we are supposed to meet friends for dinner this evening, but it looks like my wife might be doing that without us.