This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Jared Richardson.
Original Post: People give up when they can't win
Feed Title: Jared's Weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Jared's weblog.
The web site was created after the launch of the book "Ship It!" and discusses issues from Continuous Integration to web hosting providers.
Another great entry in Johanna Rothman's blog, this one titled
Impossible Schedules Reinforce No Thinking. Find it
The gist of the entry is that if you put an unreasonable goal in
front of a team, they will lose hope, and give up trying any new
ideas that might help. They don't have time to try out
or CruiseControl . They are too busy trying to meet a goal. They
have dropped into "crisis management" mode. They are, sadly, just too busy to think.
It's a good read... as always, read her posting. It's much better than my summary. :)