I just love this quote from an SD Times story on Java platform evolution - Graham Hamilton writes:
We are resisting the temptation to make Java language changes in Mustang. We recognize that James Gosling achieved a genuine masterpiece with the simplicity of the Java language design, and we want to be very cautious in evolving the core language.
But at the same time, languages do need to evolve, and we are exploring a few key changes for the Dolphin release. We’re interested in introducing direct support for XML into the Java language. Many Java developers work with XML, and we’re interested in finding ways of smoothing that integration.
Simplicity? Of Java? Who are these people kidding? Compared to C++, perhaps. I'd guess that the author of this piece has never seen (possibly never even heard of) Smalltalk, Lisp, or Python. Simplicity my foot :)
And "direct support for XML" in the language? You have to love that - after telling us how "simple" Java is, he implicitly admits that it's lacking in power, since they have to extend the language in order to make XML easy to deal with. Hasn't been a problem in Smalltalk - I've had few XML issues in BottomFeeder or Silt. Then again, I wasn't dealing with a language designed by the sort of people who think "final" classes are a good idea, either.