This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Keith Ray.
Original Post: "Bugs" Versus "Defects" and "Issues"
Feed Title: MemoRanda
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Feed Description: Keith Ray's notes to be remembered on agile software development, project management, oo programming, and other topics.
Johanna Rothman, on her blog, recently wrote"I suggested that my client change his naming of 'bug' to 'defect.'" She got several opposing responses. Interestingly, I think one opposing response may have been from a maker of a bug-databases that uses "bug" in the name of its product. The commenters said things like "bug is just a synonym for defect" and "changing the terminology has no benefit".
One response said "what would we call the act of removing the defects? Dedefect?". This reveals the idea that the only way to handle bugs is to remove them after-the-fact. Replacing "debugging" with "defect detection and removal" may be wordier, but it provides a different mindset; it allows thinking about "defect prevention" and different ways to do "defect detection" (such as automated tests and other tools in addition to manual debugging). I almost never hear the phrase "bug prevention" but I've heard "defect prevention" fairly often. And we can use the term "defect injection" to talk about how defects get into the code in the first place.
Johanna isn't the first to recommend using the term 'defect'. Her most recent blog entry has comments identifying several sources. Another term that can be used instead of "bug" is "issue", as in an "issue-database" instead of a "bug-database". An issue may be a misunderstanding of the requirements. Usually this gets called an "invalid bug", which can be quite discouraging to whomever raised the issue. An issue is something that still needs some resolution, even if it doesn't identify a code defect. In the case of a misunderstood requirement, the resolution may point to the need for better communication and/or better documentation.
If I recall correctly, in one of the four volumes of QualitySoftwareMangement by Gerald M. Weinberg, Jerry recommended both a defect-database and an issue-database, because one issue could be caused by many defects, and one defect could cause many issues. That implies a database that tracks many-to-many relationships between issues and defects. (There probably isn't a commercial product that does this, though the better bug-databases at least allow linking issue-reports to each other.)
Extreme Programming aims at keeping defects (and issues) so low that a database isn't necessary. Instead of creating an issue report, an XP team might create a failing automated test. Such as test is better than a simple database entry because: (1) writing automated tests is a way to flush out understanding of the features. (2) A test that is failing because of code defects should start passing when the code defects are fixed. (If not, then this provides feedback that not all of the defects associated with an issue have been fixed yet.) And (3), being automated, that test can be run many times in the future to detect a recurrence of that issue.