Dave Winer is still stumbling in the dark, wondering where he might find a clue - this is in reference to some paranoia he's posted about Google along with his obsession with AutoLink:
They can just cut off our air supply. How could they do that. How how how? Well, remember we decided it was okay for them to modify our content way back in 2005. They didn't even have to ask our permission. Not only that, if we said no, they could ignore us. They're just giving the users what they want, and we believed them.
Gee, I sure hope he doesn't use any client side tools that modify content - like, say, ad blockers. Heaven forbid he were to muck with the revenue model of the site's authors, who depend on that advertising revenue. I sure hope he doesn't ever say anything nice about GreaseMonkey either. I certainly hope that he never used a pen or a marker on a textbook, and then passed it on to another student - by gosh the content was marked up in ways that the original author didn't intend! The horror!