Smalltalk Puzzle Night
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
HP5115, Carleton University,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It's time to combine a little learning and a little fun. At this meeting, we are inviting all our Smalltalk regulars as well as anyone who would like to learn a bit about Smalltalk to bring along your laptops and have some fun. We will start with a quick introduction to the Smalltalk language and environment. We'll help you install Smalltalk on your laptops if needed. Then we'll break up into groups to solve some puzzles using Smalltalk. Get ready to use your thinking caps.
Location Details The meeting will be held in Room 5115, Herzberg Laboratories (building 13 on the map ). Pay-parking is available in Lot 1, 2, and parking meters can be found along University Drive. Free parking is available across Bronson Avenue opposite Lot 5.
Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.