Serge announces the release of MacawSharePointSkinner ... it is a tool designed to enable non-intrusive modifications to the visual and functional design of SharePoint. The tool can be used for both Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Actually, it can be used for any web site utilizing the ASP.NET technology.
The approach that MacawSharePointSkinner takes is that it lets SharePoint render the final HTML, and just before this HTML is sent to the browser MacawSharePointSkinner makes the needed modifications to this HTML. This is done in such a way that no modifications are needed to the internal files of SharePoint, so it is non-intrusive. Another advantage is that it will survive service packs (although the output HTML may change in a service pack!) and template modifications.
I only have one days hosting left on my current host account and will be transfering the blog to a machine located in the Domino Systems data center. No doubt I will be offline for a day or so as the DNS servers get updated and replicate the new addresses.
The domain name at will no longer work and so please find me again at either: