This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Scott Hanselman.
Original Post: The Zen of .NET
Feed Title: Scott Hanselman's
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Scott Hanselman's is a .NET/WebServices/XML Weblog. I offer details of obscurities (internals of ASP.NET, WebServices, XML, etc) and best practices from real world scenarios.
Managed Zen Koan "One day as Sam was writing Managed C++, the Buddha called to him,
"Sam, Sam, why do you not enter the runtime and write in C#?" Sam replied, "I do not
see myself as outside. Why enter?"
Unsafe Zen Koan "Scott showed out his unsafe code and said, "If you call this
unsafe code, you oppose its reality. If you do not call it unsafe code, you ignore
the fact. Now what do you wish to call this?"
Languages Zen Koan "One day Fred was working with .NET. He overheard a programmer
say to his superior, "Give me the best programming language you have." "Every language
in .NET is the best," replied the butcher. "You can not find any language in .NET
that is not the best." At these words, Fred was enlightened. "
MSDN Zen Koan One minute of sitting,
one inch of Buddha,
one line of code.
Like lightning all thoughts come and pass.
Just once look into your mind-depths:
Now look it up on MSDN.
.NET Framework Zen Koan However deep your
knowledge of the .NET Framework,
it is no more
than a strand of hair in the vastness of space.
However important seeming your object model,
it is but a drop of water in a deep ravine.