This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Duncan Mackenzie.
Original Post: C# 2005 and C# Express Content Up...
Feed Title: Code/Tea/Etc...
Feed URL: /msdnerror.htm?aspxerrorpath=/duncanma/rss.aspx
Feed Description: Duncan is the Visual Basic Content Strategist at MSDN, the editor of the Visual Basic Developer Center (, and the author of the "Coding 4 Fun" column on MSDN ( While typically Visual Basic focused, his blogs sometimes wanders off of the technical path and into various musing of his troubled mind.
Andrew W. Troelsen Intertech Training Summary: This article explorers the use of Visual Studio 2005 and Visual C# 2005 Express Edition code snippet technologies. Once the reader understands the XML syntax used to represent code snippets, this article examines the process of building and registering custom code expansions with your Microsoft .NET IDE of choice. (21 printed pages)
Andrew W. Troelsen Intertech Training Summary: This article introduces programming with the C# language using the Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Using various example projects, readers will be exposed to several aspects of the C# programming language and key concepts of the .NET platform. (23 printed pages)