The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has approved Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core as an official W3C recommendation, which means that developers will be able to deploy scripting for programs that can interoperate with different browsers. "The DOM Level 3 specification covers a lot of ground. Only parts of the spec are relevant to browser technologies," Brendan Eich, chief architect at the Mozilla Foundation, told . "Among the relevant parts, Load and Save will help us gain ground on Web services capabilities that Mozilla wants to build into the browser, and we're actively looking into implementing this Load and Save part of the spec into Mozilla."
DOM Level 3 is the final evolution of the DOM process that began seven years ago at the W3C. Philippe Le Hegaret, DOM Activity Lead for W3C, said now that the DOM Working Group has completed its original mission, other groups will continue to extend the DOM platform for more specific use, such as the SVG Working Group.
DOM Level 3 extends XML support to version 1.1 and other components of the XML Information Set specification, bringing DOM in line with XML Schema 1.0 and SOAP 1.2 W3C Recommendations. The new recommendation also makes full use of XML namespaces, which enables easier manipulation of WSDL descriptions. The full story ...