This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Sam Gentile.
Original Post: New and Notable 43
Feed Title: Sam Gentile's Blog
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Feed Description: .NET and Software Development from an experienced perspective - .NET/CLR, Rotor, Interop, MC+/C++, COM+, ES, Mac OS X, Extreme Programming and More!
I know what you're all thinking. How dare he have all that fun, post pictures, post things about Rory? How dare he not give us our technical content? What is he human or something? So in that light, I will get serious again, stop having fun and give what's new and notable out there in .NET land:
VSIP Extras was released a while ago and AaronM from Microsoft is posting on this and VSIP for Newbies. Back in the day when we had to fetch our own water and walk 10 miles to school up hill, we actually had to struggle with reams of unmanaged VSIP code that made no sense whatsever and with support that said “Change this registry setting, that will make that Tool Window come up. We don't know why but just do it.“
GrantRi from the C# team (Hi Grant!) continues to post on Whidbey C# features and says “Second only to generics I think iterators and anonymous methods are the coolest features added to the C# compiler.“ Given that iterators and anonymous methods are the 2nd and 3rd features left out of 4 (partial classes apply mostly to code gen) I guess it's obvious isn't it? -)
Grant redeems himself by getting into the great stuff though - the CLR stuff, you know that thing that actually provides all that C# stuff with an awesome post on the Assembly Linker, AL.EXE. Al.exe is one of those core CLR things that I think everyone needs to know about along with assemblies, shared assemblies, GC, etc that come from Richter's book that I always recommend. Great stuff!
My friend Korby Parnell, who along with Laura John I hung out with the other night, reminds “check out Philip Rieck's Wiki: Visual Studio CTP Change Log, whose self described purpose is to, “use members of the community (you!) to track the feature changes from one CTP to another. New feature added? Feature now broken? Feature gone completely? Write about it here.“ I'll be interested to see how the S2K5CTPCRCL wiki community deals with complex versioning issues.“