This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Udi Dahan.
Original Post: IC No More
Feed Title: Udi Dahan - The Software Simplist
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Feed Description: I am a software simplist. I make this beast of architecting, analysing, designing, developing, testing, managing, deploying software systems simple.
This blog is about how I do it.
This may come as a bit of a surprise to a lot of people who know me personally, but I've finally come 'round and gone to work for somebody else. Yes, that's right, I'm no longer an independent consultant.
It took me about a month to decide where, and near the end, things started getting really hectic, but I've joined the ranks at Korentec. The site is and I know that it sucks. During my talks with the CEO, I brought it up, and she said that it would be taken care of. Yeah, I know, it's kind of surprising that I'd join a company that apparently has little appreciation for the power of the internet, but the offline world happens to matter more.
A couple of words deserve to be said about the company itself. Korentec was founded in 1988 by Israel Defense Award winner Yehuda Koren, now company president. ( The award is a big deal )
Korentec deals with many areas including software development, outsourcing, technical writing, and translation for both military and civilian clients. The two primary areas are in-house software development and outsourcing ( company employees are placed at client companies and perform work there ).
I'm currently acting as the software development lead on a project that needs to be finished by year's end. This is quite a challenge, but that's one of the reasons they brought me on board, that and the fact that I have the high level security clearance required for the project. Anyway, I'm supposed to bring things on track and after a couple of months move on to the next thing.
I guess that a lot of people ( my parents included - hi mom ! ) are wondering why I chose Korentec instead of other more lucrative offers ( Microsoft among them ). I'd like to say "location, location, LOCATION !" but that's not everything :) First of all, I am currently in the process of building a house in the northern part of Israel in a small community village-type town called Bnei-Yehuda. The decision to go live up north could be likened to someone in the US deciding to move to Alaska instead of Silicon Valley, and does raise eyebrows here as well. Needless to say, the number of companies within reasonable ( less than 2 hours ) driving distance is quite limited, and, more so, the number of clients an independent consultant could work with. Anyway, Korentec is about a 1.5 hour drive from where the house will be built.
Well, that brings me back to the next thing I mentioned above. After passing the torch on the project to the next guy, I'll be moving into the outsourcing division and will be placed at Rafael ( ) bouncing between the Missile Division and the Systems division on a huge project in a high-level technical position acting as the Division .Net Technologist as well for the Missile Division. Well, the place where the project will be developed happens to be a lot closer to my house ( like 3/4 hour drive ) and makes the decision to move up north a lot sweeter.
Well, I guess that that was it. Getting to build my own house, just the way I like it, high quality of life for my family ( my beautiful wife Bat-Sheva, and my two daughters, Amit and Elia ), and a kick-ass job close by, who could pass up such a combination ? Give up my "independent" status ? In a heart beat.