This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Roy Osherove.
Original Post: Very good contest news, and an apology to Mark Miller
Feed Title: ISerializable
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Roy Osherove's persistent thoughts
Oh this is going to be good. I already have collected prizes for my upcoming contest. Let me just say that first place gets over 300$ worth of goodies. sounds cool already?
I'm still looking for more prizes/swag (this will be a hell of a thing in the end).
I'm also looking for interesting contest suggestions (Coding challenge/screenshots/what else is there?).
Comment or ping me if you have some ideas.
Now about CodeRush. I was too angry to post that moment, and I apologize. In retrospect my post was a bit too much, though I still agree with most of what was said there. Mark Miller of DevExpress has left a good response in the comments section of that post, so feel free to read that. Let me just say that:
- CodeSmart *should* have been included because unlike all the other tools that were considered, this is a competing add-in, not a separate tool
- I should have made a review which was a little more to the point and not so angry.
Sorry again. Blogging is, unlike marketing, a human activity :)