This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by James Avery.
Original Post: HTML is easy, why is it so damn hard?
Feed Title: .Avery Blog
Feed URL: /blog/Install/BlogNotConfiguredError.aspx
Feed Description: .NET and everything nice
I want an easy way to create HTML documents, documents that are XHTML compliant, use CSS, and don't completely suck. Well, apparantly this is impossible. I am not happy with the HTML that VS.NET creates. I am not happy with the HTML that Word creates.... So I broke down and bought a copy of TopStyle, the CSS and XHTML editor from BradSoft. (You know, Nick Bradbury, the guy who wrote Homesite, my old favorite editor) I will let you know what I think when I use it more.
I do have some hope for the Whidbey version of VS.NET, I have been impressed with its HTML for the most part.