This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by James Avery.
Original Post: Coder To Developer
Feed Title: .Avery Blog
Feed URL: /blog/Install/BlogNotConfiguredError.aspx
Feed Description: .NET and everything nice
Mike Gunderloy, the man behind The Daily Grind, is working on a book titled Coder To Developer. The interesting thing about this book is that is seems to be a mix between higher level discussions like how test driven development can be used and more practical sections like how to actually use NUnit. This book looks like it tries to take a regular coder and show them all the various techniques and technologies that can get them to that next level. I have some high expectations for this book and I think Mike will deliver.
I went ahead and pre-ordered it from Amazon. (This link uses Mike's refferal account, sometimes authors make a better percentage from the referral fee than commissions, so I try to use them when I can)