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by James Avery.
Original Post: Directing vs Enabling
Feed Title: .Avery Blog
Feed URL: /blog/Install/BlogNotConfiguredError.aspx
Feed Description: .NET and everything nice
Steve Maine has a great post commenting on Martin Fowler'sDirecting vs. Enabling post. I think this is a very interesting topic, and I have always noticed that the best managers can be both directors and enablers when needed. I know alot of people who work best when working for enablers, but I also know people who need and want to be directed. I think this is true across the board, some people need a technology that enables them to build excellent applications, other people need a technology that specifically directs them to build a good application.
Personally I love managers, trainers, developers, and technologies that enable me.
Be sure to also read Steve Freeman's followup as well.