Although it is true for Application Frameworks, this is not true for Structural Frameworks. It is also not necessary for UI frameworks (although a fair degree is required). UI Frameworks like MFC do not require Domain knowledge unless your domain is UI.
You have to be an Expert in OO
Although the majority of Frameworks are implemented within the realm of OO, you do not really have to be an absolute guru. You do however have to know a lot. A good understanding of architecture and patterns are required.
Frameworks are all Domain Frameworks
The association between a Framework and the Domain has been tied too closely together. Some want you to believe that a Framework is only for a vertical Domain; however the .NET Framework, MFC, and others are non-domain. (UI Frameworks, Structural Frameworks, Component Frameworks and so on).
A Rules Framework could have nothing to do with a particular domain although many are created for specific areas.
We don't need a framework
It may be true that you don't need one, but investigations should be done. Does your company create more than one application? Are there integration, interoperability and/or inter-action between applications? Do you have an industry niche product? Do you need to cut development time in the future? Do you have components that are used between applications?
There are many, many questions that can all add up to the possibility that you may need a Framework.
Creating Frameworks takes too much time.
In some cases, yes, however an evolving framework, can consume little extra effort and over time the same result could be accomplished. There are also 3rd party frameworks, that could be used. We often do not think twice about using a component or two, so why not a framework?
Frameworks can also co-exist within other frameworks. Consider a Reporting Framework and a Document Management Framework, which over time can merge. One can be written at a time. You do not have to create an entire Framework at once.
Frameworks can also Facade or Decorate components. A Framework does not have to do everything itself. A Reporting Framework could use Crystal Reports as its engine with the rest of your Framework design around it. Using 3rd party components within a Framework can save time.