A couple of weeks ago, I posted a new learning “Ever depended on
the order of elements in a HybridDictionary?”. It was then pointed
out to me by Steve Maine that the typical
hashtable implementation shouldn’t return a ordered list of any type. After
some skillful assistance by Dan Fox, he found that one can get a sorted return
if integer keys are used instead of string keys. During my learning lesson, I
did use integer keys (which works). But when I typed up an example for the
blog using string keys, I assumed that this would work the same way. It does
not. Here are the results of the sample below:
String keys
2 = 915793710
3 = 306194301
1 = 821758039
6 = 2073203188
7 = 127676433
4 = 836905414
5 = 218444477
8 = 1218696123
9 = 975467952
10 = 610848541
Integer keys
10 = 610848541
9 = 975467952
8 = 1218696123
7 = 127676433
6 = 2073203188
5 = 218444477
4 = 836905414
3 = 306194301
2 = 915793710
1 = 821758039
Here is the sample:
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim r As New
Dim c As New
Dim i As Integer
If args.Length = 0
Console.WriteLine("Cmd Line Args: 0-string key, 1-integer key")
key type
If args(0) =
"0" Then
Console.WriteLine("String keys")
Console.WriteLine("Integer keys")
End If
to dictionary
For i = 1 To 50
If args(0) =
"0" Then
c.Add(CStr(i), r.Next)
End If
End If
out list
Dim e As DictionaryEntry
For Each e In c
Console.WriteLine(e.Key & " = " & e.Value)
End Sub