Yeah I know. It's starting to look like the Feedable blog here, but I promise i'll stop soon.
This site has been a great learning experience for me. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start learning web development with ASP.Net. Because it's live, I feel compelled to add more stuff and make it into a real site. So, meanwhile I:
Created an online store for Feedable swag, following the footsteps of the mighty Robert which you can get to by clicking a link on the Feedable main page. Some pretty nice swag in there with the Feedable logo, maybe you'll even wear some of this stuff for the PDC, huh?
Added an admin web console for feed management. Yep. Up until now the feeds were inserted manually into the DB tables. Now I can have Darren create and update new feeds from the web. You have no idea how much of a learning curve the web datagrid is to a winform-geek.
What's more important, I wanted people to learn and understand the technology that drives this site. So, if you go there and click the “About“ link, you'll see a link that point to an article about how to do basically what my engine does.