This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Jonathan Crossland.
Original Post: This Pisses me Off
Feed Title: Jonathan Crossland Weblog
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Feed Description: Design, Frameworks, Patterns and Idioms
Google says web users are too stupid for semantics
This pisses me off. I think Peter Norvig needs to adjust this opinion.
HTML will never take off, look at all those tags.
Never mind XML, too complicated. And that XAML thing, forget it now.
You dont need to know everything about a good technology for it to succeed.
People use email everyday, knowing nothing about smtp servers.
What do the general masses really know about http, uri's, keywords and so forth.
The standards are there for tools, and applications. The semantic application will make it work, not the people.
Fair enough, its going to take a while, probably 5-10 years, before the intelligent applications really start.
the big picture is intelligent apps, not stupid people.
It reminds me of:
"The Internet? We are not interested in it" -- Bill Gates, 1993