This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Frank Hileman.
Original Post: Fast scrolling beta for
Feed Title: Frank Hileman's WebLog
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/frank_hileman/Rss.aspx
Feed Description: Vector Graphics with, MyXaml, and Visual Studio Integration
We have released a beta of the vector graphics system containing fast scrolling enhancments. Click on the image above to run the Scrolling Scalability sample, to see the difference in performance. This demo is built with the 2.0 .net framework.
The new ScrollingMode property on Picture allows you to control the behavior. Using Accurate in the demo will show you the old performance. If you are a current 4.0/3.0 customer (full version), and your application should scroll faster, please email us for the beta download information, as well as the source code for the sample above. The source code contains a useful optimization technique for Pictures containing thousands of Elements, such as mapping applications.