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by Mark Harrison.
Original Post: ODF support for Office
Feed Title: Mark Harrison
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Feed Description: .NET Portals, Collaboration and eBiz
Microsoft have announced they are funding and providing architectural guidance to three partners to build the Open XML Translator, a set of tools being developed as open source, on SourceForge, under a BSD license, to enable translation of Office Open XML and ODF documents.
- This will provide read and 'save as' functionality of ODF in Office. - Down-level Office capability is offered through the Office Compatibility Packs which give older versions of Office the ability to use Open XML.
Microsoft also announced the creation of an Interoperability Center for Office 2007an add-in that adds itself to the file menu in Office 2007 where users can get .PDF, .XLS, and .ODF interoperability.
Today we are announcing the creation of the Open XML Translator project that will help translate between the Office Open XML formats and the OpenDocument format. We've talked a lot about the value the Open XML formats bring, and one of them of course is the ability to filter it down into other formats. While we still aren't seeing a strong demand for ODF support from our corporate or consumer customers, it's now a bit different with governments. We've had some governments request that we help build solutions so that can use ODF for certain situations, so that's why we are creating the Open XML Translator project. I think it's going to be really beneficial to a number of folks and for a number of reasons.