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by Peter van Ooijen.
Original Post: ASP.NET 1.1 working with an ASP.NET 2.0 web.config file
Feed Title: Peter's Gekko
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In a recent post I described the trouble an 1.1 application has with a web.config file targeted at 2.0. The main problem is that the 1.1. runtime does not understand parts of the 2.0 web.config and crashes. My first solution was to move settings to the global 2.0 config. In a brilliant comment Joshua Flanagan suggested to bring the problem to its owner. His idea was to teach 1.1 the 2.0 specific sections and tell it to ignore them. This sounds more complicated than it is and works well.
For a good overview of the web.config in 1.x I again recommend James Avery little book, I blogged before on that. The global configuration of 1.x is in the machine.config file in \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.x\CONFIG. (Note that 1.x does not have a global web.config like 2.0). This file has a list of sections and the assemblies to handle the sections. The framework has a very handy handler, the IgnoreSectionHandler. Which does exactly what's desired: nothing. This snippet tells to ignore the connectionstrings section
<!-- tell .NET Framework to ignore 2.0 sections -->
Entering it is easy, copy the runtime section, just below and change the name attribute. has far more sections than 1.1, like the system.web.rolemanager and system.web.membership, which came by in the previous post. Add the sections as needed. Perhaps it would have been nice if there was an installation tool which modifies the 1.x machine.config for all 2.0 specific sections. Hey MS, are you listening?
There is one incompatibility which is not handled. In 2.0 the configuration node has a namespace attribute.