This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Brendan Tompkins.
Original Post: Help Spread the Word -
Feed Title: Brendan Tompkins
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/blogs/brendan.tompkins/Rss.aspx
Feed Description: Blog First. Ask Questions Later.
For a while now, I’ve been working on designing and planning a new blogging site called Like CodeBetter.Com, it’s going to be a small, focused blogging site with only enough quality content that you should be read the main feed in one sitting. I’m very much a believer in small, focused feeds, and while I don’t necessarily think that the world needs another new blogging site, I think we could stand to see a few more of these.
I’ve already lined up some great blogs, so stay tuned! If you think you’d like to have a blog with us, and be a part of something sure to be a hit, send me an email at