Dave Winer comments on Feeds of evil and expresses his hatred for the call back images contained within feeds.
I can agree, but with a slight nuance.
It is another kind thats offensive -" del.icio.us " and "Digg this " - you know the ones - you see everywhere. Definitely for Room 101.
Now its not the service, the product, company or people. It is the those pescy images.
If you want a cheezy photo of yourself - like the one I have on my blog, fine. At least its displayed once!
But those nasty image links are really bad. digger and delicious are awful. - create a transparent version please?
Then there are the people who have to sign up and be a member of everything thats out there, taging their blog entries with hundreds of little feedburner, newsgator, del.icio.us, feedster, bloglines, digg this, etc etc etc.
I saw one - cant find it again now, would have loved to show you. There must have been over 12 or so little call back images at the bottom, with a larger advert above, and the blog entry consisted of just one sentence.
you see this is one of those links that pulls back a defined image. the numbers on the end change - so its hard to get unique ones because they are all different urls.
Nasty -
The problem comes from
A lack of browser support. Firefox was first, finally we are getting the RSS icon in the toolbars of browsers!
If we could have a generic standardized method of adding to a feed functions bar in the browser, there would not be this sort of problem.
It would have to be like the FireFox search extensions - but for feeds. Actually, the lat time I had Firefox installed was about 5 months ago. Any news there, maybe its built in already?
If so, lets move all those little images to the browser.