I have been tracking the feed market for a while and decided to start some special posts regarding it.
If you have any feed related technologies, send me a link.
Semantic Web Dementia would be:
Semantic Web Dementure (SWD), is a progressive language, semantic and ontology disorder.
Symptoms: (include) loss of domain vocabulary, SEmantic Memory Loss, ontological dissociation and epistemological problems
I love this in the definition of Epistemology from wikipedia
"Do you really know what you think you know?" and, if so, "How do you know what you know?"
Is this where ontologies are taking us to? considering this one of many to come?
I wonder if all the standards and positioning that is taking place, will lead us full circle, to a lack of meaning, because find it, is harder than ignoring it. This is only after all the beginning.
Many years to go.
Surprising lack of standards within standards
It is quite surprising to me that Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Rich Site Summary (RSS) has become two distinctly different specs with the same acronym.
Nice that its included here.
Microformats and rdfa, foaf, vcard rdf, iCal, atom etc - and all other types of extensions and formats going on.
Are we simply going to overcomplicate the "good thing" we have going on the moment - simplicity?
Do we need all this stuff?
of course we do, but surely not hundreds of vendors with hundreds of formats?
I am sitting here, wondering which format to choose for various technologies. Which one for which need?
But never has XML done more for us, than what it is about to do.
Spreading Crumbs
A few notable links in the feed world.
RSS Extensions RSS-Extensions is a wiki based site, listing rss extensions.
This website service http://www.rsscache.com/ caches peoples feeds for free, to save bandwidth on your server. (thatâs their marketing)
What happens is this: instead of pointing a feedreader to jonathancrossland.com/rss.xml you send it to http://my.rsscache.com/www.jonathancrossland.com/rss.xml
What these people do is then track the hits that come to the feed as well as inject advertising.
The advertising looks is not all that offensive. But I dont like the first blog entry, which is an entire advert entry injected before your posts.