This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Peter van Ooijen.
Original Post: Timeout of an ASP.NET page
Feed Title: Peter's Gekko
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/blogs/peter.van.ooijen/rss.aspx
Feed Description: My weblog cotains tips tricks and opinions on ASP.NET, tablet PC's and tech in general.
In some cases it can take quite some for the web server to complete your webpage. Setting a time out is not that difficult but Googling around you will either find over complicated scenarios or a very simple and clear story in Dutch. Before recapitulating that one in English I have to credit the author Michiel van Otegem. Besides writing some good content he's done a lot of work for the Dutch user group dotned. See him smiling here, he's the guy on the final picture.
The timeout for a page request depends whether you are running debug or release code. The setting is in the web.config. In debug mode the timeout is 30000000 seconds which is about year. In release mode the timeout is only 90 seconds. In some cases that may not be enough. You cannot set the time out as a property of the page itself; it is a property of the global Server object. Set it in the page init event and reset it in the page unload event.