This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Jonathan Crossland.
Original Post: and then the buzzwords
Feed Title: Jonathan Crossland Weblog
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Feed Description: Design, Frameworks, Patterns and Idioms
The process for seeking names of companies, products, specifications and technologies all have one thing in common - the need to get it into the mind of the consumers.
As with everything, as more is thought up, its harder to find that right name. And then of course if you do succeed in having something that reaches people, it can easily be turned into a negative by "over-publicity".
Over-publicity? Well I think there is a new buzzword in the making :) ( except google doesn't accept the hyphen very well and it would not be seen against "over publicity" which is very different ).
We are though living in the "age of words", more than ever before in human history, no wonder we are inventing words and acronyms all the time.